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Primary School

...think MORE; be a Westmorland Warrior!

Contact Details

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

Class Teachers: Miss Thomas and Mr Kelly

Support Staff: Mr Windley (HLTA) Mrs Brinsley (TA) Miss Mathieson (TA)


We all show our WARRIOR values of,






Organisation and



throughout the week,  during our lessons and in the playground.


Every day we try to give MORE and we learn through memorable learning to help us remember, talking to each other, reading, reading, reading and experiences that bring our learning to life!



Reading is vital to learning.  Your child will read to their class teacher every week during Guided Reading. Please also support your child by listening to them read every night and signing their reading diary, make sure that you ask plenty of questions so that you check that your child has understood what they have read. 

Reading Records are to be brought into school every day!


Times Tables 

Practicing times tables can be fun! Year 5 children all have their own log in for TTRockstars and enjoy challenging each other.

Please remind your children to do this at home. 




