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Autumn 2024

Autumn was a busy term for Year 1 and 2. We started off learning about Stockport - finding out about the history of Stockport as well as looking at some local artists. We were lucky to have a visit from artist Lucy Burgess as well as a trip to Stockport to look at the buildings and market place. We compared Stockport to London and learnt lots about our capital city. We enjoyed reading Paddington Bear stories as well as a book called Katie in London. We used it to make our own versions about Katie in Stockport. Also, we planted some seeds and watched them grow and had a few local walks to find out about plants and trees in our local area.

After half term we found out about shopping in the past. We visited Morrisons in Bredbury to look at shopping now. We even got to use the checkout. Then we found out about shopping in the past through our visit to Salford Art Gallery and Museum. We also found out about animals in Science - we watched chicks hatch in school and were lucky enough to hold them.  In DT we practised sewing - and we can all thread a needle independently now. We made bags linked to our work on shopping. 
