Autumn 2024
In English, we have been learning to add adjectives to our writing to make it more exciting using expanded noun phrases. We have written recounts using time adverbials (first, next, after that). We have been learning to use coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. We learnt about the features of a non-chronological report and had a go at writing our own.
Texts that we have read: Little Red and the Hungry Lion, Little Red Riding Hood, Go Mo Go, Ready Steady Mo.
In Maths, we have been using numbers up to 100. We practised writing them with digits and using words. We have learnt to partition numbers and use symbols to compare numbers. We have focused on subtraction and addition using number lines, hundred squares, bar models and part-part-whole models. We used ‘sneaky ten’ and ‘kind ten’ to help us when doing column addition and subtraction. We have been learning about multiplication through repeated addition and arrays. We have been chanting our times tables and solving problems involving multiplication and division.
Autumn was very busy in Year 2. In Design Technology we learnt how to sew and some people even learnt how to sew on a button! We then created and decorated our own decorations to bring home. In Science we learnt about animals and their babies. We were very lucky to have 9 eggs live in our classroom for 2 weeks. We watched them hatch and grow into cute fluffy chicks.
In History we learnt all about the Commonwealth games. We watched the opening ceremony and met people who had actually been there. We were very lucky to also go to the Etihad Stadium which was originally built for the games. We also really enjoyed looking at art created by Van Gogh before trying to create our own whole class giant starry night. It was a very busy time. We even found a time to rehearse and perform the Christmas show.