Welcome to Westmorland Primary School!
A message from Keith Thompson, Chair of Governors
Welcome to Westmorland Primary School. If you are a new parent to this school we welcome you and look forward to a happy and successful partnership over the coming years. If you already have children here, we are pleased to welcome you once more. This website will give you some information about our school, its aims, and organisation. If you want to know more just ask.
At Westmorland we feel that, over recent years, we have built a school that we can all be proud of. We have a very happy school where the children work hard, look after each other and behave extremely well.
The dedicated staff team are always looking forwards to make learning more enjoyable and interesting for the children. We know that we need to keep working hard to make sure we are always providing a very good education for all of our children.
We aim to give our children, parents and staff all the skills they will need to achieve our aim “the brightest future for all”. We are always looking for more ways to involve our school in the community that it serves. You are always welcome to visit us and to have a look around Westmorland for yourself. You are encouraged to get involved in one of the many parent activities on offer from computer courses to family learning.
If you would like to visit or would like some further information, please do not hesitate to contact school we will be delighted to help. I am sure you will find our website interesting: thank you for taking the time to find out more about our school. I hope that you will decide to become part of Westmorland Primary School's very successful future.
Keith Thompson