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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) at Westmorland Primary School.


Welcome to Westmorland's School SEND page. At Westmorland all staff are committed to ensuring that the needs of all children in their class are met. We pride ourselves on implementing a broad universal offer which means that all children can access learning and thrive. 


Westmorland Primary School will make provision for pupils with the following 4 kinds of need as identified in the 2014 Code of Practice:


  • Cognition and learning: 

Specific learning difficulties including Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia, moderate learning difficulties/global learning delay.

  • Physical and sensory:

Hearing impaired, visually impaired, motor difficulties or physical impairment.

  • Communication and interaction:

Children with speech language and communication needs and children with Autism.

  • Social, emotional and mental health (SEMH):

ADHD, ADD, attachment disorder, emotional difficulties and mental health difficulties.


Our provision maps for each area of need can be seen on the link below.


We recognise that some of our children may require 'additional to and different from' provision in any number of the above areas of need. Regardless of level of need, from mild learning difficulties all the way through to those children with needs that are more complex, we work hard to intervene at an early stage to ensure our children receive the right support at the right time. 


For more information please read our SEND Information Report and Policy which can be found on the policies link below. 


If you have any questions regarding SEND please speak with your child's class teacher or contact the office on 0161 406 9403 and ask to speak with our SENDCo Mrs Elizabeth Garner.

