Welcome to Reception
Class Teachers: Miss Smith, Miss Palmer and Mrs Cowell
Support Staff: Miss B (HLTA) Miss Littlewood (HLTA), Miss Wood
In Reception we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage which is made up of 7 areas of learning. All of our activities are planned carefully with these areas in mind.
They are:
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Communication and Language
Physical Development
Understanding the World
Expressive Arts and Design
Children in Reception learn through a combination of adult lead and child initiated activities. The children spend time with their teachers developing important Maths, Literacy and Phonics skills and also spend time playing and learning in the environment. We know that young children learn best through play so we ensure activities are planned which are full of learning opportunities but are also lots of fun!
The use of mnemonics and Makaton are embedded within daily teaching. Children often enjoy recalling rhymes to support their letter formation or retelling a familiar story with Makaton signs. These tools make learning more memorable and equip children with the ability to be confident and independent learners.
Oracy skills are at the heart of everything we do as we recognise the crucial importance of developing children’s speaking and listening skills. We tell stories together, play talking games, tell jokes, ask questions, encourage conversation and discussion.
We promote a lifelong love of reading and children are immersed in a text rich environment. We encourage children to read at home every day as we know that the more children practise their reading skills, the more progress they make. The most confident readers often make the most progress in all areas of learning.
We have a fantastic outdoor environment which the children have continuous access to in all weathers. We also have lots of exciting experience days and visitors to make our learning as hands on and interactive as possible.