Designated Health and Well-being Lead: Mrs Karla George
Designated Health and Well-being Governor: Mrs Wendy Hill
Westmorland's Well-being INTENT
At Westmorland Primary School, we strive to promote positive Mental Health and Well-being.
This applies to the whole of our community – staff, pupils, families, stakeholders, other agencies who come into school. At Westmorland, we intend to identify mental ill health within the school community and support them through our approach.
Staff are trained to be vigilant in identifying if people are worried, stressed, anxious, unhappy, scared or depressed. We encourage staff members to identify these feelings in themselves and seek help confidentially, with no stigma attached to this process.
We promote positive mental health and emotional wellbeing for everybody, and have a very tailored PHSE curriculum to ensure that these skills are taught repetitively, children have opportunities to debate and reason in a controlled environment and become confident when talking about their feelings and concerns. This is evident on our PSHE curriculum intent.
We have created a bespoke provision map for wellbeing and this is followed by every individual. (See attached)
At Westmorland, we do lots of things to help your wellbeing and your child’s wellbeing.
We have:
- A trained an adult counsellor for parents and carers to speak to each week
- A full time pastoral team with 2 staff available for parents and children every day
- 2 ELSA trained members of staff who is qualified in delivering activities to develop mental health and wellbeing
- Nurture groups each week for children to address social emotional mental health needs (UKS2)
- Social skills groups each week to help children develop their social communication skills (R-^)
- Lego therapy groups each week to help children solve problems, reason, and work together developing social skills
- SALT assistant 5 days a week to work directly with children to aid communication. listening and attention skills
- 3 full time SALT staff working with children on therapy plans to aid communication, listening and attention skills
- Worry box outside the pastoral office for children to ensure they can speak about their worries
- An ask it basket in every class to ensure children’s fears and questions are answered on a daily basis
- SLT with an open door policy – children and adults can speak to them everyday
- A high quality planned PHSE curriculum, where all children are engaged in different PHSE activities to ensure they can learn about how to be safe, regulate their emotions and achieve
- A wide range of high quality PHSE resources for the children to engage with
- A well-qualified SENCO who liaises with different agencies to ensure children can feel good and access the curriculum – Behaviour support service, Occupational Therapists, Learning Support Service, Sensory Support Services to name a few.
- Wellbeing posters on the back of every classroom door to signpost children to the support they need
- Wellbeing posters in the toilets to signpost children to support
- Period packs for children who need them, available all day everyday
- Support on the website for families, signposted where necessary
For anyone needing support with their wellbeing, please follow any of these links..