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School Logo


Primary School

...think MORE; be a Westmorland Warrior!

Contact Details

Term Dates and Opening Hours

School Term Dates 2024-2025


Term:School OpensSchool Closes
Autumn Term:Wednesday 4th September Friday 18th October
 Tuesday 29th OctoberThursday 19th December 
Spring Term:Thursday 2nd January Friday 14th February 
 Monday 24th February Friday 11th April
Summer Term: Monday 28th April Thursday 22nd May
 Monday 9th June Thursday 24th July


In-Service Days 

Monday 2nd September 2024

Tuesday 3rd September 2024

Monday 28th October 2024

Friday 23rd May 2025

Friday 25th July 2025


School Closed 

May Day - Monday 5th May 2025

Spring Bank Holiday - Monday 26th May 2025


Westmorland Primary School Opening Hours


Nursery morning sessions start at 9.00 am and finish at 12 midday and afternoon sessions start at 12.15pm and finish at 3.15pm

Reception classes to Year 6 classes start at 8.45 am and finish at 3.15pm


Each morning children should line up on their playground when the bell rings.

When school closes, children should be collected from their year group door on the playground.


What if my child is late for or absent from school?

A good punctual start to each day is very important.


In the interests of road safety, children should leave home in sufficient time for an unhurried journey and arrive at school

5-10 minutes before school starts; but we would rather your child was late for school than miss school altogether.


Remember school starts at 8.45am


If your child is late she/he must see the school secretary on arrival. Please send a note to explain the reason.

NB. Unexplained lateness is classed as Unauthorised Absence (truancy).

If your child is unwell please let us know by telephoning 406 9403 or calling at school.

