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Autumn 2024

Autumn term

We had a great start to the year meeting all of the new children and settling them into their new
routine in nursery. We learned about the different areas in the classroom and how to play in them.
We worked with our grown-ups at our Reading workshop to show them what we are doing in
nursery and what we can do at home. We learned lots of new nursery rhymes and had lots of fun
completing creative tasks such as making our own cotton wool sheep and helping to stick Humpty
Dumpty back together.

We also looked at Traditional Tales including Goldilocks and The elves and the shoemaker. We
re-enacted the stories, made our own story maps and even designed our own shoes. We celebrated
different festivals like Bonfire Night, Halloween and Remembrance Day. We are sure you will agree
that our performances in the Christmas concert were superb and we loved meeting Father Christmas
