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...think MORE; be a Westmorland Warrior!

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  • World Book Day 2023

    Thu 16 Feb 2023 J Sherstone
  • Winter 2022 Parent Information

    Wed 07 Dec 2022

    A communication from Stockport Local Authority

    Dear Parent/Carer,

    As we approach the Christmas period, we are aware that there are a number of virus’s circulating across Stockport, which could have similar symptoms such as a temperature, diarrhoea, vomiting, rashes etc.


    Symptoms in children can be very non-specific, if your child is unwell and you do see a doctor then it is important to let the school or nursery know what the doctor has said the illness is, in case this may be affecting other children at the school.


    There is some general advice for common symptoms / infections which you should be aware of:




    Exclusion from setting



    Diarrhoea and / or vomiting

    Encourage fluids to prevent dehydration

    Seek medical attention if not improving.

    Children should not return to the setting until they have been symptom free for upto 48 hours


    Scarlet Fever

    Fever, sore throat

    Antibiotics (medical review required)

    Children can return to the setting 24hrs after starting antibiotic treatment.

    This is not reportable by the school until a number of cases are confirmed.

    Hand, Foot & Mouth

    Rash across palms of hands, soles of feet & inside of mouth. Tiredness, Fever

    No treatment required but may need medical review to determine diagnosis

    There is no requirement for children to stay off school unless the child is generally unwell



    Fever, chills, headache, muscle aches, cough, sore throat, runny nose

    Fluids, paracetamol if able to take to reduce fever.

    Seek medical attention if not improving.

    It is recommended that your child stay away from school until they are well enough and no longer have a fever.

    Please consider having the nasal flu vaccine for children. Check for further information

    COVID 19

    Fever, chills, new continuous cough, loss or change in sense of smell or taste. Shortness of breath, general tiredness, muscle aches, headache, sore throat, blocked or runny nose, loss of appetite, diarrhoea, nausea or vomiting

    Fluids, paracetamol if able to take to reduce fever.

    Seek medical attention if not improving.

    Your child should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people if they have symptoms of COVID-19 and they either have a high temperature, do not feel well enough to go to school, college or childcare, or do their normal activities.

    Please consider using Lateral Flow Tests if you have access to these.


    Please consider having the COVID vaccine if eligible for it. Check for further information






    There are a number of actions you as a family can take to prevent getting an infection during these winter months. These include:

    • Vaccination for influenza (flu) or COVID 19
    • Regularly washing your hands with soap and water or using alcohol hand gel if hands are visibly clean
    • Using tissues to catch sneezes or runny noses, disposing of the and then washing your hands
    • If anyone starts with symptoms that are not resolving, to seek medical attention
    • Visit for further information on the 5 ways to protect your family during winter.


    Kind regards

    Sarah Turner

    Health Protection Lead Nurse

  • Re-Visit of Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council

    Tue 13 Sep 2022

    12th September 2022

    Letter to be circulated to parents and carers by Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council.

    Re-visit of Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council from 27 September 2022 to 30 September 2022.

    Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) will carry out jointly a re-visit of your local area following the previous inspection that took place between 24 September 2018 and 28 September 2018.

    The re-visit will evaluate how effectively leaders have addressed the areas of significant weaknesses detailed in the written statement of action (WSOA). The re-visit will be carried out in line with updated guidance about the return to Area SEND inspection, you can read this guidance here.

    During the re-visit, Ofsted and CQC inspectors will be keen to speak to as many children and young people and their parents and carers as possible, specifically about the weaknesses identified in the WSOA. These meetings may take place online.

    How can local children, young people, parents and carers contribute their views during this local area re-visit?

    There are several ways in which children, young people, parents and carers can engage with the re-visit process and contribute their views.

    The inspectors will gather the contributions of parents and carers through an online survey and a range of other methods. 

    1.    Parents and carers who would like to take part in this survey can follow this internet link: 
    The survey will open at 12 noon on Tuesday 20 September 2022 and close at 12 noon on Monday 26 September 2022.

    2.    Parents and carers can email their contributions to:

    3.    Parents and carers can contact their local Parent Carer Forum to find out more about about how they can contribute their views during the local area re-visit. 

    Details about the local area SEND re-visit will be available on your local authority’s website and distributed through the local area’s Clinical Commissioning Group/s (CCGs). 

    Information gathered during the re-visit

    During this re-visit, inspectors may collect information about children and young people in the area. They may look at local area records, speak to local area officers and leaders at educational settings, and speak to children, young people and parents or carers. No names will be recorded, but some of the information collected may identify a particular child, young person or adult. Ofsted and the CQC will use this information to prepare their re-visit outcomes letter, and for the purposes set out in their privacy notices. No information will be published that identifies any individual in the outcomes letter.

    If you wish to know more about how we use the information, please see our privacy notice relating to area SEND on our website. If you have any concerns about our use of personal data, please email and/or the CQC at

    Information on Ofsted’s and the CQC’s privacy notices is available on the links below: 

    While we recognise that many parents and carers may have views on their experience that extend beyond the focus of the WSOA, we would like parents and carers to understand that the focus of the inspectors during the re-visit will only be the areas of significant weakness identified at the previous inspection. The re-visit team will consider how well leaders have addressed each of the areas of significant weakness detailed in the WSOA. We will not be able to follow up or comment upon individual cases. 

    You will find information on local areas’ duties towards children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities on the Department for Education’s website:

    Yours sincerely

    Pippa Jackson Maitland
    Senior His Majesty’s Inspector

  • P.S.H.E / Westmorland Warriors Information

    Fri 11 Sep 2020 M Henderson

    11th September 2020    
           Dear Parents,
    In school we have always taught weekly P.S.H.E. (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) lessons which have also included British Values. These help children to become more independent, to be healthy and safe and to prepare them for growing up and their futures. 
    We teach under 3 core themes:
    Health and Wellbeing
    •    Healthy Lifestyles (physical wellbeing)
    •    Mental Health
    •    Ourselves, Growing and Changing
    •    Keeping Safe
    •    Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco
    •    Families and Close Positive Relationships
    •    Friendships.
    •    Managing Hurtful Behaviour and Bullying.
    •    Safe Relationships
    •    Respecting Self and Others
    Living in the Wider World.
    •    Shared Responsibilities
    •    Communities
    •    Media Literacy and Digital Resilience
    •    Economic Wellbeing : Money
    •    Economic wellbeing : Aspirations, Work and Career.
    This all includes the content outlined in the Department for Education’s statutory Relationships, Sex and Health Education guidance, which schools in England must teach from Sept 2020.
    Below is how this statutory guidance is being covered at Westmorland as a whole:
    Health and Wellbeing
    •    Mental wellbeing
    •    Internet Safety and Harms
    •    Physical health and fitness
    •    Healthy Eating
    •    Drugs, alcohol and tobacco
    •    Health and prevention
    •    Basic first aid
    •    Changing adolescent body
    •    Families and people who care for me.
    •    Caring friendships.
    •    Respectful relationships.
    •    Online relationships.
    •    Being safe.
    The content shows progression and is taught according to the age of the children in the year group they are in. 
    Westmorland  Warrior
    Our School Intent is to: Think MORE; Be a Westmorland Warrior

    We have changed our behaviour reward system from our old ‘Medals’ system, to our ‘Warrior’ chart.

    At Westmorland Primary School, a warrior is someone who works hard for themselves and the school, being fearless in their learning. They show Willpower, Achievement, Respect, Reflection, Independence, Organisation and Reliability.

    A chievement
    R espect
    R eflection
    I ndependence
    O rganisation
    R eliability

    Every week, children will try and demonstrate all the values and on a Friday a child from each class will have a reward time. 
    Every child who achieves their Warrior Values will have their name go into a raffle and at the end of half term the winner from each phase gets a special prize from Mr Henderson.

    If you have any questions or would like to find out more please ring school to arrange a time and we will be happy to speak to you.

