P.S.H.E / Westmorland Warriors Information
11th September 2020
Dear Parents,
In school we have always taught weekly P.S.H.E. (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) lessons which have also included British Values. These help children to become more independent, to be healthy and safe and to prepare them for growing up and their futures.
We teach under 3 core themes:
Health and Wellbeing
• Healthy Lifestyles (physical wellbeing)
• Mental Health
• Ourselves, Growing and Changing
• Keeping Safe
• Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco
• Families and Close Positive Relationships
• Friendships.
• Managing Hurtful Behaviour and Bullying.
• Safe Relationships
• Respecting Self and Others
Living in the Wider World.
• Shared Responsibilities
• Communities
• Media Literacy and Digital Resilience
• Economic Wellbeing : Money
• Economic wellbeing : Aspirations, Work and Career.
This all includes the content outlined in the Department for Education’s statutory Relationships, Sex and Health Education guidance, which schools in England must teach from Sept 2020.
Below is how this statutory guidance is being covered at Westmorland as a whole:
Health and Wellbeing
• Mental wellbeing
• Internet Safety and Harms
• Physical health and fitness
• Healthy Eating
• Drugs, alcohol and tobacco
• Health and prevention
• Basic first aid
• Changing adolescent body
• Families and people who care for me.
• Caring friendships.
• Respectful relationships.
• Online relationships.
• Being safe.
The content shows progression and is taught according to the age of the children in the year group they are in.
Westmorland Warrior
Our School Intent is to: Think MORE; Be a Westmorland Warrior
We have changed our behaviour reward system from our old ‘Medals’ system, to our ‘Warrior’ chart.
At Westmorland Primary School, a warrior is someone who works hard for themselves and the school, being fearless in their learning. They show Willpower, Achievement, Respect, Reflection, Independence, Organisation and Reliability.
A chievement
R espect
R eflection
I ndependence
O rganisation
R eliability
Every week, children will try and demonstrate all the values and on a Friday a child from each class will have a reward time.
Every child who achieves their Warrior Values will have their name go into a raffle and at the end of half term the winner from each phase gets a special prize from Mr Henderson.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please ring school to arrange a time and we will be happy to speak to you.