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Young Carers Award

Young Carers in Schools Award

As many as 1 in 12 pupils could be a young carer. Young Carers in Schools is an exciting England-wide initiative that aims to make it as easy as possible for schools to support this vulnerable pupil group and awards good practice.


  The Young Carers in Schools Award recognises good practice from several leading charities. 


In order to gain the Young Carers in Schools Award at Westmorland Primary School we evidence that we adhere to the five Young Carers Standards:


1. UNDERSTAND There are assigned members of staff with responsibility for understanding and addressing young carers needs. 
2. INFORM Awareness is raised by sharing knowledge about disability, illness and young carers throughout the school. 
3. IDENTIFY Young carers are being identified within your school. 
4. LISTEN They are listened to, consulted with and given time and space to talk. 
5. SUPPORT Young carers are supported within the school, and signposted to whole family resources and services outside the school.


If you think that you or a family member might be a Young Carer talk to a member of staff.
